OpenText Intelligent Capture: Process Developer is being deprecated

With the release of Intelligent Capture 22.2, Process Developer is now beginning deprecation.

With the release of the Capture Flow Designer in 2009, OpenText indicated that they would continue to support Process Developer and backward compatibility for IPPs for as long as they could. Unfortunately, VBA’s obsolescence makes continued support of Process Developer nearly impossible. If you still have older process flows that are coded using Process Developer, we urge you to migrate these process flows to Intelligent Capture Designer as they will be removing Process Developer in the next release of Intelligent Capture, and it will only be available a Legacy module in the installer for a short time. After that, the module will no longer be shipped. We urge you to migrate all the process developer capture flows to Designer, as that is the only replacement.

What is OpenText Intelligent Capture Process Developer?

Process Developer was used to develop workflows for Intelligent Capture (formally known as Captiva InputAccel) since version 5.3. At around 2006 Process Developer was the primary way to develop a workflow for InputAccel, which was owned by EMC as their primary Document Capture and Imaging Software. In 2009, EMC created a new development environment named Designer. Since that time Captiva InputAccel has been renamed Intelligent Capture and was bought by OpenText.

Why this matters

The Process Developer Intelligent Capture module enables you to create processes using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). An Intelligent Capture process is a detailed set of instructions. It directs the Intelligent Capture Server to route images and data to the appropriate client modules in a specific order. VBA is a programming language that is nearly identical to Microsoft Visual Basic, except that it cannot be used to create standalone applications. Process Developer closely resembles the VBA programming environment but has been modified to work specifically with Intelligent Capture. Use Process Developer to develop, compile, install, and debug Intelligent Capture processes (IPP) in a programming environment.

With the deprecation of Process Developer, all workflows created using Process Developer need to be immediately migrated to Intelligent Capture Designer.

Get support for your OpenText Intelligent Capture upgrade

Is your company running an old version of Intelligent Capture? We can help you get upgraded to the latest version. We can help migrate your workflows, perform diagnostics, and provide first-line support for your system. Contact us for a consultation.