What Are Redaction Services? Preserving Confidentiality and Security
Document redaction refers to the selective removal of sensitive or confidential information (that can personally identify an individual) from publicly viewable records to protect privacy and ensure compliance.
It protects sensitive information beyond just covering it up or blacking it out. Automated document redaction technology works by restricting the visibility of temporarily redacted information only to users with the required security clearance. Permanent redaction involves the deletion of sensitive information from the digital file. It even removes PII contained in metadata or image headers.
Any organization that collects, processes or stores sensitive PII is legally bound to redact confidential information to prevent it from public view.
Although redaction regulations may vary from state to state, some commonly redacted data types include:
Dates of Birth (DOB)
Social Security Numbers (SSN)
Drivers License Numbers (DL)
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)
Banking and financial information like account numbers
Medical or psychiatric records and other HIPAA-governed medical information
Criminal ID numbers
RDS offers both automated and manual redaction services, depending on your requirements.
While we rely on automated redaction for bulk processing, there are some cases where software simply cannot accurately redact sensitive information—for example, historical records, handwritten deeds, and old or illegible papers.
That's when we rely on a combination of OCR software and our team of highly skilled manual operators to validate that every document is appropriately redacted.