Protect Valuable Research and Scientific Data with Lab Notebook Scanning
The best creative minds and the most meticulous scholars rely on handwritten notes! Their workbooks, sketches, working diagrams, and notepads usually contain the most valuable information of all.
R&D teams in industries like pharmaceuticals and life sciences also rely heavily on first-hand data in handwritten, bound notebooks. Field reports, laboratory findings, experimental records, and long-term scientific research project notes are unstructured in format. They are the culmination of many hours of concentrated effort and hard work.
Even though these records are yet to be formalized into published papers or reports, they are vital for ongoing research or project work and must be protected.
Why Lab Notebook Scanning and Scientific Records Digitization is Important
Research notes, scientific laboratory findings, and field reports are all part of the intellectual property of the organization or institution and must be protected like any business documents or organizational data.
Lab notebook scanning is a cost-effective and efficient solution to tackle the challenges posed by paper records:
Prevent the loss of data
Handwritten documents, archived works, and diagrams may be fragile and prone to misplacement, loss of information due to employee turnover during long-term research projects. Natural disasters like hurricanes or storms can also damage or destroy these documents. Digitization prevents the loss of information with affordable and efficient backups.
Enhance data validity
When it's time to publish research findings, apply for patents, or audit your field reports, you need trackable and auditable documentation. Lab notebook scanning services can provide professional electronic records that researchers can share with the appropriate authorities for audits or as evidence.
Improve collaboration
Long-term research or large field projects involve collaboration with colleagues, cross-functional teams, and external organizations. Handwritten records or personal notebooks are difficult to share and make available to others. Digitized copies resolve this problem in a simple and affordable way.
Faster search and retrieval
Lab research or field projects may continue over long periods. As they continue, the volumes of information generated by researchers or lab workers keep growing and are archived and stored as physical documents. But what happens when you need to retrieve a document that someone filed a long time ago? Searching through cabinets filled with paper documents can prove to be a nightmare! Digitized records, on the other hand, can be searched instantly and easily retrieved when needed.
Control access to confidential data
Research findings and lab notes are sensitive and confidential. Handwritten notebooks and papers stored in folders are not protected. Scanned and digitized documents can be access-controlled using a robust document management system with strictly defined user rights.
Digitize and back up your handwritten field or lab reports, scientific notebooks or research notes today.
Contact us to learn more about our lab notebook scanning services.
How we Protect and Preserve your Research Notes & Lab Findings
Want to digitize your lab notebooks? It's important to choose an experienced and specialized scanning service provider who understands the nuances of scanning notebooks.
We use specialized scanners
For example, RDS teams use specialized scanners that accommodate bound notebooks without damaging them or removing the binding.
We understand your lab notebook scanning requirements
Our scanning technicians assess your scanning requirements to deliver the right kind of service—considering factors like odd or oversized documents, bound books, cost of scanning, and image quality—while protecting the originals. For example, scanning in grayscale may be cost-efficient but is of no use if your documents use colored legends or have diagrams that lose detail if rendered in grayscale.
We provide onsite scanning services
Don't want your notebooks to leave your premises? Choose our onsite scanning service, in which we send our scanning teams and hardware to your premises—so that confidential or fragile papers don't need to be moved and are always within your control.
Priority services with quick turnaround times
Need your notebooks or field records for ongoing work? We'll send an onsite team for high-speed scanning at your premises and return the original notes to you at a super-quick turnaround time.
Protecting old records
Are your lab notes and field reports not in prime condition? Our teams handle old records with extreme care. They prep the documents before scanning, removing pins or attached notes carefully, straightening folded corners or creases, and covering areas of the page that don't need to be scanned. We also use image correction software that improves the clarity of output images.
Complete security: Our guarantee
Our professional scanning teams adhere to the highest security standards to ensure that no data is leaked or lost during scanning. With years of experience scanning high-confidentiality data, you can count on RDS to meet the highest security standards.
Choose RDS as your partner for lab notebook scanning and scientific data digitization.
Contact us for a quote for our lab notebook scanning services.